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本公司成立于2006年,位于深圳市福田区,是一家主营多普达、O2、HTC、苹果、索爱、摩托罗拉、惠普、奔迈、华硕、神达、斯达康、倚天、LG、诺基亚、三星、国产、天语、手机手写笔、手机天线、****手写笔、商务多用等手写笔;兼营其它手机系列配件,品种齐全,价格合理,欢迎广大商家咨询洽谈各种产品,承接各种订单!本公司以“服务至上,信誉**”为经营宗旨;“以质量求生存,以诚信求发展”为生产方针!生产的产品质量稳定,可以与国内外的同类产品相媲美,产品远销全球各地,我们将本着务实的合作态度为广大商友提供优质的服务。公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,品种齐全、价格合理,以专业的经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任, 欢迎广大商友家来电详谈,愿我们精诚合作,共创辉煌!

Our company was established in 2006, is located in shenzhen futian district, is a main DuoPuDa, O2, HTC, apple, SONY Ericsson, MOTOROLA, HP, rush Wallace, asus, presiding, SiDaKang, YiTian, LG, nokia, samsung, domestic and TianYu, mobile phone handwritten pen, mobile phone antenna, plugins universal handwritten pen, business multi-purpose; handwritten pen etc. Engaged in other mobile phone fittings series, the variety is complete, the price is reasonable, welcome general merchants c**ultation discussion of various products, undertake various orders! The company take "the service supreme, credit first" as the aim of management; "Strives for the survival by the quality, honesty and development" for production policy! Production of stable quality, can with domestic and international similar products comparable, products are exported to all over the world, we will be in the practical cooperative attitude to our business partners to provide high quality service. Company with several retailers and agents established long-term and stable relati**hip of cooperation, the variety is complete, the price is reasonable, with professional management characteristic and small profits and quick turnover principle, has won the trust of our customers, welcome the masses of business partners home calls into details, we are willing to cooperation, create brilliant!

企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 生产加工、招商代理、商业服务、进出口贸易
注册资本 10万 员工人数 10-20
企业注册地 广东深圳福田区 主营产品或服务 iphone电容触摸手写笔、IPAD电容触摸 手写笔、HTC电容触摸手写笔、品牌手机手写笔、国产手机手写笔、五码手机手写笔、各种手机支架、GPS触摸手写笔、游戏机触摸手写笔、**两节.三节**笔、手机树叶**饰品笔、手机拨片**饰品笔
成立时间 2006 主营行业 通信产品、通讯产品加工、
主要经营地点 深圳
企业主页 https://hxtx.jqw.com/






